SPA Creators have been working with the Havant Council over the last 12 months to obtain planning for a SPAshell development.
The SPAshell concept allows the Langstone Quays Hotel to develop a spa business with no impact to the opening of the hotel as the building will be manufactured off site and delivered complete to site. The SPAshell is 500sqm and investment will be circa £1.5 million which is significantly less than a traditional building. The SPAshell will be delivered and be commissioned in 2 weeks. This will be a real asset to the hotel.
The Spa will have a full wet spa and thermal suite, 5 treatment rooms, roof top terrace lounge and juice bar outdoor terrace and vitality pool.
The next stage will be the manufacture which will take place in the UK and it is hoped the building will be delivered to support the hotels plans for securing its future post COVID lockdown.
For more details on this and other SPAshell projects visit or call one of our team +44 [0] 118 9471857