SPA Creators have over 20 years experience in spa interior design and spa development and project delivery, having successfully completed over 90 hospitality spa projects around the UK and Europe. A key feature to the work the company is involved with is providing the necessary expertise to develop commercial spa businesses within the constraints of the building, the design and the budget. The commercial reality of creating a spa business is a critical part of any development and surprisingly is often overlooked. Clients appoint an architect who has a broad range of expertise and often does not have the specific understanding of the nuances of spa design.
It is important that a spa expert is appointed at the earliest stage of a project. The spa design then builds on the needs of the hotel business considering the guest requirements and the potential opportunity and the level of return on investment that can be achieved. All of these considerations are symbiotic and if one element is not balanced correctly this can lead to an unsuccessful project.
SPA Creators objective has been to create hotel spa businesses that are sustainable, with careful consideration placed on every aspect of the project. It considers the impact on the hotel and profiling of the spa to meet the current and future guest requirements. SPA projects need to add value to the business and the guest experience.
The range of business and design services provided by SPA Creators can take a client on a journey from concept design, financial planning through to detailed design, project delivery with a hands on approach working closely with the build team. This experience and approach ensures a project success. Alistair Johnson [MD] comments ‘Many spa consultants do one part of a spa project, with our integrated approach we can oversee the complete delivery offering a full turnkey solution. Hotel operators with no spa experience really benefit from the way we have focused our business services. I believe this makes our company unique and the main reason why we have been so successful in delivering award winning spas over many years. Take a look at all of our successful projects and see how this has been demonstrated in practise’.
Before a hotel embarks on a spa project our advice is to reach out to a spa expert and then create your design and development team around this nucleus of expertise. If SPA Creators services are of interest reach out to one of our spa interior architects.
Call ++44 [0] 118 9471857 or email [email protected]